the artist


Lainey of Aaillan

A self taught artist and entrepreneur. Her original medium is in reverse painting on glass.

Creating opportunities for organizations such as the Angel Fund. Boston Institute for art therapy and Brookline Arts association.

Showcased solo works and commissions at numerous North Shore venues, Bayside expo center, Surtex and featured cover of Portfolio magazine.

Entrepreneur of four individual boutique businesses in the US and multiple studio locations in MA, NH and Maine. Currently working in studio from Colorado.

Hugely inspired by travel especially island resorts and the ocean.

A maximalist at heart in love with mixed patterns, colors, and unusual finds.

Highly blessed and grateful for the opportunities in creating the collections I do. The experiences I am able to be a part of and the amazing people and companies I have the luxury to collaborate with and get to know personally. Thank you! XO

What I Create…

Intuitive and imperfect visual art. Creating from a childlike spirit for me is simply natural and allows for an unrestrictive freedom without some demand for perfection as an artist and probably as the person too.

In all of my pieces, the imperfection still requires attention and to me that gives the work some sort of resilience for seeing each part through. Such is life, an undergoing of the imperfect journey but being beautiful as-is, whole, and to not consider ourselves flawed in the end as the finished piece.